A lightning protection system includes the following five parts: air terminals (lightning rods), conductors, ground connections (electrodes), bonding, and lightning arrestors.

Air terminals:  Air terminals are metal rods installed at every projecting high point of a building—such as the peak, a dormer, a flagpole, or a water tank—to intercept a lightning smack. The air termination rods are available in Copper, AL or GI. Solid copper rods should be a minimum of 20mm in diameter, and solid aluminum rods should be a minimum of 13mm in diameter. Strategic installation of rods on a structure ensures that thunderbolt will strike the rods rather than another part of the building.

Conductors: Conductors are made up of copper clad steel or aluminum to provide the connection between the air terminals and the earth to direct the lightning strike deep into the earth where it can safely disperse.

Ground connections: Earthing rods, provide contact with the earth to securely dissipate the lightning charge. A minimum of two ground associations should be used for; additional ones may be needed for larger structures. The type of ground connection may depend on the resistivity of the surrounding soil. Grounding rods should be 12mm in diameter, 3m long copper-clad steel or solid copper rods driven at least 2.5m into the ground.

Bonding: Bonding involves branch conductors that offers protection against side flashes by connecting metal objects with the grounding system. Grounding is achieved when all electrical systems, telecommunication systems, and underground metallic pipes are connected to the lightning protection system.



Lightning has many dangers and consequences of a lightning strike are cumbersome (spectacular damage, made fires, destruction, explosions, death .To protect themselves, the implementation of a system of protection against lightning is needed.



The lightning strike Counter  consists of a 6-digit display. Each stroke of lightning is recorded during its passage by incrementing a unit (rightmost digit).Waterproof (IP65), robust and reliable, it runs without any power supply and records positive or negative lightning strikes.



If used with the Rout@ir® option, it transmits an in-real-time warning when a lightning strike is picked up by the Contact@ir® Ready product and records it.

Efficient, reliable and easy-to-use, Contact@ir® system facilitates the control and maintenance of your lightning protection installation.

Contact@ir® system favours lightning risk prevention.



Alert@ir TS offers a new way of being informed about the risk of being struck by lightning.

Within a radius of more than 40 km, this system captures the arrival of a storm and warns all users. You have time to get safe from a potentially dangerous phenomenon thanks to the time saved by an alert directly sent to your phone.